String Programs In C

String Programs In C

  1. Program to accept a string and print it
  2. Program to accept a character in the uppercase and print in lower case
  3. Program to accept a character in Lower case and print it in upper case
  4. Program to accept a character in any case and print in another case
  5. Program to accept a string and print it by using while loop
  6. Program to find length of a string using string function
  7. Program to find length of a string without using string function
  8. Program for Copy a String to another using String Function
  9. Program to find length of a string without using string function
  10. Program for Compare two String using String Function
  11. Program for Compare two String without using String Function
  12. Program for String Reverse with String Function
  13. Program for String Reverse without String Function
  14. Program for String Concatenation with String Function
  15. Program for String Concatenation without String Function
  16. Program to convert all characters in a string to lower case using string function
  17. Program to convert all characters in a string to lower case without using string function
  18. Program to convert all characters in a string to upper case using string function
  19. Program to convert all characters in a string to upper case without using string function
  20. Program to enter 5 string and print them with their length
  21. Program to accept a string and print each word of the string separately also print total number of words
  22. Program to accept a string and display vowels frequency( total number of vowels)
  23. Program to accept a string and display frequency of each vowel along with vowel
  24. Program to enter a word and check whether it is palindrome or not using string function
  25. Program to enter a word and check whether it is palindrome or not without using string function