6. Program to find the average of three numbers with input values as integer and output value (avg) as float
#include<conio.h> // Linux user - Remove this

int main()
    int a, b, c;
    float avg;
    printf("Enter any three numbers ");
    scanf("%d %d %d", &a, &b, &c);
    avg = ( (float)a + (float)b + (float)c ) / 3; 
    /* we have type casted integer to float as a, b, c, 3 all are integer type and
     integer / integer gives the result integer. */
    printf("Average=%f", avg);
    getch();// Linux user - Remove this

    return 0;

7. Program to find the area of a right angled triangle based on base and height values
#include<conio.h> // Linux user - Remove this

int main()
    float h, b, area;
    printf("Enter base ");
    printf("Enter height ");
    scanf("%f", &h);
    printf("Area of right angled triangle= %f", area);
    getch(); // Linux user - Remove this

    return 0;

8. Program to find or obtain the sum of square of two floating point numbers
#include<conio.h> // Linux user - Remove this

int main()
    float a, b, sum;
    printf("Enter first number ");
    scanf("%f", &a);
    printf("Enter second number ");
    scanf("%f", &b);
    printf("Square of first number = %f", a*a);
    printf("\n Square of second number = %f", b*b);
    sum = (a*a + b*b); 
    printf("\n Sum of square = %f", sum);
    getch(); // Linux user - Remove this

    return 0;

9. Program to find the simple interest and total amount based on interest
#include<conio.h> // Linux user - Remove this

int main()
 /* Variables for principal amount, rate of interest, time duration,
  simple interest and total amount */
 int pa, ri, t, si,ta;
 // Inputting values
 printf("Enter principal amount:");
 scanf("%d", &pa);
 printf("Enter rate of interest:");
 scanf("%d", &ri);
 printf("Enter time duration:");
 scanf("%d", &t);
 // calculating simple interest and total amount
 si = (pa*ri*t)/100;
 ta = si + pa;
 // displaying simple interest and total amount
 printf("Simple interest: %d and total amount: %d", si,ta);
 getch(); // Linux user - Remove this

 return 0;

10. Program to enter 10 digit number and displaying it in the given format where first 3 digit refer to area code, next three digit to exchange code and remaining to number.Program to enter 10 digit number and displaying it in the given format where first 3 digit refer to area code, next three digit to exchange code and remaining to number.
Enter 10 digit number: 9876543210
You entered: 9876543210
Area code: 987
Exchange code: 654
Number: 3210
The complete telephone number: (987)654-3210

#include<conio.h> // Linux user - Remove this

int main()
 int a,b,c;
 // Inputting Telephone number
 printf("Enter ten digit telephone no.");
 scanf("%3d %3d %4d",&a,&b,&c);
 // Displaying telephone number in given format
 printf("You entered:%d%d%d\n",a,b,c);
 printf("Area code:%d\n",a);
 printf("Exchange code:%d\n",b);
 printf("The complete telephone number:(%d)%d-%d",a,b,c);
 getch(); // Linux user - Remove this

 return 0;

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